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Lori Melnitsky

Stuttering Treatment for Adults

Do you get stuck with words or keep repeating some over and over again or may even take a pause at certain syllables? Chances are that you have been having stuttering issues while having a full-fledged conversation. Stutter or stammer is a speech disorder that is often developmental or neurogenic. While developmental stuttering is often identified amongst children as they develop speech and language skills. Whereas, neurogenic stuttering can be caused due to stroke, head trauma, tumors, meningitis, and other health concerns that may cause temporary blockage of blood flow to the brain.

How is stuttering diagnosed?

While stuttering may seem obvious to many, for some it is not. To help diagnose stuttering, the speech-language pathologist (SLP) must examine the patient to analyze the speaking concerns they have. They also assess different scenarios, including how the person copes with stutters, speech rate, and language skills. These close observations of the patient will help them determine if there’s a fluency disorder and what would be the severity of the disorder.

Treatments to help stop stuttering :

Stuttering treatment programs are specially developed by clinical researchers to help adults to practice learned speech patterns. If you are looking at some of the most effective treatments on how to stop stuttering, continue reading this blog. Here we take a closer look at some of the best stuttering treatments for adults:

Speech therapy

The MPI-2 (Modified Phonation Interval-2)  is one of the most popular stuttering treatments for adults that’s recommended to help and adults. This can help reduce interruptions in speech and improve self-esteem. It includes using therapeutic techniques that are suggested by speech therapists that help enhance fluency and cognitive restructuring. This therapy is customized to client needs and can have dramatic results on the patients.

Anti-stammering devices

Auditory feedback devices that listen to the speaker via headphones and produces altered auditory feedback. These anti-stammering devices are known to be an integral part of fluency shaping therapy. These devices are attached to the inside of the patient’s ear. Then, the software changes the sound of your voice and delays it by a fraction of a second. While there are several options of devices available, it’s best to take the opinion of your speech-language pathologist (SLP) to recommend the best and affordable device to help you with your speech.

Stuttering modification therapy

Instead of trying to eliminate stuttering, this treatment focuses on modifying the stuttering to ease up the efforts involved in creating conversations confidently. It’s a great choice of treatment if anxiety is the key factor that makes your stuttering worse.

Intensive group therapy

Positive fluency changes are detected amongst individuals 13 years of age to adults. These group therapy sessions provide an opportunity to meet and connect with others who stutter in a supportive environment. Individuals who choose to undergo this stuttering treatment are seen to improve both speech fluency and confidence.

If you are not the patient but know someone who stammers, the best way to communicate with them is to not rush them through the conversation. Be patient and not finish their statements. With some professional help, you may or may not be able to stop stuttering immediately, but with time you can always help them effectively manage their stutter. Stuttering treatments are all about practicing and embracing your speech with the help of a professional or a certified speech pathologist.

MPI-2 Stuttering Treatment: (MPI-2):

Natural sounding fluent is obtained with this program. This problem was developed by Dr. Roger Ingham from the University of Santa Barbara in California. It is an innovative and effective biofeedback program and successful in attempting to stop stuttering.

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