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Lori Melnitsky

Three best ways to gain confidence with public speaking……

Let’s be honest public speaking can be terrifying. It is said people fear it more than death. How can it be?

Let me share a story with you that petrified me…

When I first started private practice I was asked to speak to small groups of parents on speech related topics. My head would start to pound with anxiety. Sweating palms and a nervous stomach filled my days in anticipation of these events.

The preparation was always worse than the event. I built up to teaching at a university and three hour workshops. This is what I learned:

1, Visualize the audience and practice. Read into a recorder and listen back.

2. Pause often.  Allow for some silence.

3. Look beyond the audience. Scan the audience.

4. Use visuals and take the concentration off yourself.

5. Talk with power. Take some breaths before you start.

Bottom line public speaking is nerve wracking but you can improve this to be a more effective public speaker to help you personally and to excel in a work setting.

For more information on life or communication coaching please email me at

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